Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Why I Consider Myself Heteroflexible

Someone asked me recently about my sexual orientation so I want to take a few minutes to explain what heteroflexible means to me. I know there is debate on the term and from what I can tell there is no one right answer and usually everyones answer is a little different.

To me, bisexual implies that one is willing to have a sexual and/or romantic relationship equally with both male and female partners. Which I do not think applies to me. I'm very, very picky with the guy's i'm attracted to. Which is why I choose the term herteroflexible.

I'm only attracted to androgenous guys. Or like a friend of mine puts it "girly-boys". To describe them more accurately: small framed, geeky, effimenant, and If they cross dress they look like passable girls.
So, that about explains it and the proverbial cat is out of the bag. I choose the lable heteroflexible because I think it most accurately represents me.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Scrotal Inflation or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Saline

So, to put it bluntly, I had my balls blown up to about the size of a grapefruit this weekend and it was fun. Not necessarily sexually stimulating though. Here's what I learned about saline thanks to the wonderful Laughing_Goddess.

1. It can give boys girl boobs. Which in fact feel and look real.
2. It can give small cupped girls larger boobs.
3. Room temp saline burns like the dickens when it's being injected.
4. An 18g needle going into the scrotum doesn't hurt (at leat to me).
5.it's fun! It's not something I would do all the time, but the novelty of having gigantic balls is very entertaining.